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Glacier draws a grid of interconnecting hexagonal elements with a recursive algorithm. The grid fades out after a certain amount of tiles. The algorithm contains a bug in the way hexes are spaced, but this actually creates a nice visual effect: the glaciers start drifting apart the further they are from the core. A global warming bug!



Source code:

size(600, 600)
hexwork = {}
class Hex:
  def __init__(self, x, y, w, spacing=0):
    #Creates a new hexagonal at position x, y
    #with the given width w, and optional spacing.
    #Adds itself to the hexwork list.
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.w = w
    self.spacing = spacing
    self.sides = []
    for i in range(6): 
    global hexwork
    hexwork[(self.x,self.y)] = self
    self.index = len(hexwork)
  def draw(self, tag=False, visit=None):
    #Draws this hexagonal on screen.
    #Optionally, tags the hexagonal with its index
    #in the hexwork list.
    #Additionally, you can supply a visit function
    #that accepts this self as a parameter.
    if visit != None: visit(self)
    w = self.w * 0.5
    star(self.x, self.y, 6, w, w*1.155)
    if tag:
      f = fill()
      fill(f.r, f.g, f.b, 1)
      text(str(self.index), self.x-self.w*0.5, self.y, self.w)
  def rdraw(self, tag=False, visit=None, degrade=True, root=None):
    #Recursive draw:
    #draw all neighbours as well,
    #and their neighbours, and so on.
    if degrade == True: 
      f = fill()
      fill(f.r, f.g, f.b, f.a * 0.98)
    self.draw(tag, visit)
    if root != None: line(self.x,self.y,root.x,root.y)
    for side in self.sides:
      if side != None and side != root:
        side.rdraw(tag, visit, degrade, root=self)
  def grow(self, max=6):
    #Creates neighbouring hexes for this hexagonal.
    #Creates all neighbours by default, or a given max
    #of random neighbours.
    if max < 1 or max > 6: return
    #The centerpoint offsets for neighbouring hexes.
    from random import shuffle
    center = [(0,-1), 
    center = center[:max]
    #center.sort() #doesn't do what supposed to do
    #Create neighbours only if the neighbour does
    #not exist yet: if it is not defined by this
    #hex as a neighbour already, or its position
    #occurs in the hexwork list (and thus it is
    #already defined as someone else's neighbour).
    for i in range(max):
      dx, dy = center[i]
      dx = dx * (self.w+self.spacing) + self.x
      dy = dy * (self.w+self.spacing) + self.y
      global hexwork
      if self.sides[i] == None and not hexwork.has_key((dx,dy)):
        self.sides[i] = Hex(dx, dy, self.w)
        self.sides[i].sides[(i+3)%6] = self
  def rgrow(self, max=6):
    #Recursive growth:
    #grow neighbours for this hex,
    #grow neighbours for each neighbour, and so on.
    if max > 0:
      for side in self.sides:
        if side != None: 
def visit(hex):            
root = Hex(400,400,70, spacing=100)
r = random(0.5,1)
root.rdraw(tag=True, visit=visit)