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More QuickTime

Posted by anonymous on Jun 26, 2007

I know it is very easy to export QT movies in NodeBox, but why can't it load and display them? Maybe syntax like:

import Movie
mov = Movie.movie('~/Movies/DSCN0001.mov')
mov.frames[0].draw(0, 0)
So Movie would be a module who has classes 'movie' and 'frame', once a movie is loaded into a variable, you can call variables 'frames', 'fps', 'tracks', 'annotations', etc. 'frames' would be a list of 'frame' instances, 'fps' would be the main track's frames per second, 'tracks' would be a list or dictionary of all of the track's names, codecs, etc. 'annotations' would be a list of the movie's built-in annotations. Class 'movie' would have an __init__ that loads a movie from a path. Class 'frame' would draw the frame at x, y, or could even be used as a canvas or layer in core image:
ci.canvas = mov.frames[0]

Now that would be a neat addition.

Posted by Tom De Smedt on Jul 13, 2007

This can't be too hard to do with QTKit or something, but I'll have to look into it. I'll get back to you on this one.

Posted by Tom De Smedt on Oct 01, 2007

The Quicktime library now has support for this kind of stuff.