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bug in the database library

Posted by Giorgio O. on Dec 17, 2007


I just started using the database library (that's very cool), and it seems that the 'edit' method is not working properly.
If you run the "database_test.py" script that comes with the library, the instruction "book.pages.edit(3, pagenumber=1)" has no effect.

    db = ximport("database")
    db = ximport("__init__")
book = db.create("book")
book.create_table("pages", ["title", "description", "pagenumber"])
book.pages.append(title="introduction", pagenumber=1)
book.pages.append(title="chapter one", pagenumber=2)
book.pages.append({"title": "chapter two", "pagenumber": 3})
print "Tables created", book.tables()
print "All pages:", book.pages.all()
print "Page 1:", book.pages.pagenumber("1")
print "Chapter two:", book.pages.find("*two", key="title")
print "Remaining pages:", book.sql("select * from pages")
book.pages.edit(3, pagenumber=1)
# in the debug output the pagenumber is still '3'
xml = open("book.xml").read()
print xml

Posted by Giorgio O. on Dec 17, 2007

a quick fix is possible using the sql syntax...

book.sql("UPDATE pages SET pagenumber = 'xxx' WHERE id='3'")

Posted by Tom De Smedt on Dec 17, 2007

It should be fixed in the new release I've put online.
-- tom