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Customize Indentation size in NodeBox code editor

Posted by Dillone on Feb 07, 2009

Days ago, I asked Frederik De Bleser a question about the indentation size in the NodeBox code editor. I want to change it from 4 to 8.

Frederik kindly answered me. I think I should share the solution here.

Thank you, Frederik.

THE QUESTION: ##############################

Hi Frederik. Hi Tom.

I am an Interactive Designer and Generative Artist from China. I live in Beijing, and run a small interactive design company, named Farefore.

Thank you all for creating and running the wonderful NodeBox. I love it very much and use it daily creating generative artworks. I also use Flash and Processing. Although Processing seems more popular, I feel NodeBox is more elegant and better organized, including documents.

I write this letter looking for help about using NodeBox code editor. The question is, how can I change the indent or tab space from 4 characters to 8 characters? Larger indent space is a big help for me in coding with NodeBox.

By the way, You can look at a part of my portfolio on flickr: http://flickr.com/photos/dillone/

Hailei Wang 王海磊

THE SOLUTION from Fredrik: ##############################


Nice work!

With regards to your question, there is currently no option to change
the indentation.

Because the software is open-source, you can add the option yourself,
if you really want to.

The line you want to change is in PyDETextView.py
at line 59, where you can change the indentSize from 4 to 8.

Instructions on building your custom NodeBox are here:


Kind regards,
