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Posted by Tom Fuerstner on Jan 25, 2010


I've recently developed a Jitter Connect Framework which enables me to send drawings done with Python/Pyobjc directly as native Jitter Matrix into Max/MSP Jitter.

Now, as Nodebox is really my favourite graphic toolbox I would like to send Nodebox drawing directly into Jitter instead of saving them as files. Getting Nodebox as a powerful and native Vector-Graphics-Engine inside of Max is a beautiful thing.

To accomplish this task all there is to know is how to get all the Grobs or the Canvas turned into a NSImage instead of saving them to disk. How is it possible to do this?

The exemplified code is showing how this is achieved directly with "pure" :

import objc
from AppKit import *
objc.loadBundle( "JitterConnector", globals(), bundle_path=objc.pathForFramework( "~/Library/Frameworks/JitterConnect.framework" ) )
print JitterConnector
jc = JitterConnector.alloc().init()
print jc.connectToHost_port_('', 7474)
font_name = "Arial"
font_size = 76
message = "Hi Max, now you get Nodeboxified ;-)"
app = NSApplication.sharedApplication() 
newImage = NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfFile_('fb8.jpg')
text_attributes = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().init()
font = NSFont.fontWithName_size_(font_name, font_size)
text_attributes.setObject_forKey_(font, NSFontAttributeName)
text_attributes.setObject_forKey_(NSColor.blackColor(), NSForegroundColorAttributeName)
message_string = NSString.stringWithString_(message)
size = message_string.sizeWithAttributes_(text_attributes)
point = NSMakePoint(10, 10)
message_string.drawAtPoint_withAttributes_(point, text_attributes)
tiffData = newImage.TIFFRepresentation()
bitmap = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc().initWithData_(tiffData)
fileType = NSPNGFileType
imageData = bitmap.representationUsingType_properties_(fileType, None)

Posted by Tom on Jan 25, 2010

....and I should also show the interfaces for the Jitter Connect Framework:

@interface JitterConnector : NSObject {
	int sockfd;
- (void)sendMatrix:(NSImage *)image;
- (void)sendMessage:(NSString *)message;
- (int)connectToHost:(char *)host port:(int)port;
- (void)disconnect;

Posted by Tom on Jan 25, 2010

Ok, got it by reading the source code from trunk ;-)

img = canvas._nsImage

Posted by Tom on Jan 25, 2010

Finally. there's an image to watch: http://www.flickr.com/photos/39354298@N06/4304146997/