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Posted by Lucky on Feb 15, 2011

Hi everybody

I have been trying to understand for days what FRAME stands for in the script below, which I got from the tutorials. It is not defined anywhere and it is no build in command. And still it works.

What I ultimately want to do is to be able to read frames in a list and then apply a filter to those and display them in a canvas. And it seems pretty straight forward and easy. But I dont understand that FRAME and I dont udnerstand how I can spread them evenly an write on the canvas. I saw the grid tutorial, but I would like to understand how I could achieve this without grid.

Thanks for the attention

movie = quicktime.movie("twisted_world.mp4")
size(movie.width, movie.height)
def draw():
    frame = movie.frame(FRAME*0.1)
    image(None, 0, 0, data=frame.data, width=frame.width)

Posted by Trumpetto on Feb 18, 2011

Something like this (no filter yet)?

quicktime = ximport("quicktime")
movie = quicktime.movie("twisted_world.mp4")
size(movie.width, movie.height)
for row in range(4):
    for column in range(4):
        frame = movie.frame(FRAME*0.1 + column + (row*4))
        image(None, ((frame.width/4) * column), ((frame.height/4) * row), data=frame.data, width=frame.width/4)