- Combine: Combine multiple lists into one.
- Count: Count the number of items in the list.
- Cull: Remove all items from the list where the corresponding boolean is false.
- Distinct: Remove all duplicate items from the list.
- First: Take the first item of the list.
- Keys: Retrieve the keys of a map.
- Last: Take the last item of the list.
- Pick: Pick items from the list in random order.
- Repeat: Repeat the list a number of times.
- Rest: Take all but the first item of the list.
- Reverse: Reverse the list.
- Second: Take the second item of the list.
- Shift: Move items at the beginning of the list to the end.
- Shuffle: Randomize the ordering of items in the list.
- Slice: Take a portion of the list.
- Sort: Sort items in the list.
- Switch: Switch between multiple inputs.
- Take Every: Take every nth element of the list.
- Zip Map: Combine a list of keys and values together into a map.