- As Binary List: Convert a string into its binary representation
- As Binary String: Convert a string into its binary representation
- As Number List: Convert a string into a numeric encoding
- Character At: Output the character at a given index
- Characters: Create a list of characters from a string
- Concatenate: Add strings together.
- Contains: Determine if the string contains a given string
- Ends With: Determine if the string ends with a given string
- Equals: Determine if the string equals a given string
- Format Number: Represent a numeric value as a string in a specific way.
- Length: Count the number of characters in a string.
- Make Strings: Create a list of strings.
- Random Character: Create a list of random characters taken from a set
- Replace: Replace part of a string
- Starts With: Determine if the string starts with a given string
- String: Create a string value that can be used as a variable.
- Sub String: Take a portion of a string
- Trim: Remove white space from the start and end
- Word Count: Count the number of words in a string.